WOOHOO!! We saw our first dolphin today. We were parked along the wall at the pier watching the gulls (and one funny little crane) when I saw something waaaayyyy out in the water.
There were no waves so I knew it had to be either a sea bird or big fish. Then the spot went away so I knew it wasn't a bird. I kept watching the area and a
dolphin surfaced!OMGosh! Talk about excited!!
He kept coming up and going back under and was getting closer and closer to shore each time. I had my camera ready and when he broke the water again I shot the pic. (click to enlarge it) But because my camera has that short delay.... I got just his fin as he was going back under. Don thought he was about 200 yards out from shore.
We've been told that they come into the bay a lot. But when we go to Mustang Island there are really bunches out there. So that will be our next day trip. As soon as the rain goes away and the sun comes out.
Now back to the funny little crane. Just as we pulled up to park... in flew a crane right in front of our grill on the truck. He landed on the wall and just stood there.

Then a guy pulled in with a red pickup and started taking his fishing poles out and standing them by his truck to put the bait on his hooks.

Well.....that crane saw him and made a beeline right to him. The bird stayed between us and the red pickup for the longest time. See him peeking around the door? hahaha

Then....... behind us pulled up another fisherman and started getting his bait out. Swwwooooosh.... away went the crane right up to the other guys. he flew part of the way and then started running at the end. He almost ran right up to them. They just ignored him and he finally hopped on the wall and just watched them.
We went to Capt Benny's for lunch. Both, Don & I had the shrimp basket with hush puppies and fries. Very good and VERY expensive!
The weather is nice today. It rained a little this morning and misted on us while we were watching the dolphin but the sun is now peeking thru the clouds and we have the windows open again. We better enjoy it while we can.... forecast for cooler weather in two days. Bummer!!