Ponder this.....

Today's Quote
The best way to keep your friends is not to give them away.
Wilson Mizner
more Quotes

Friday, September 28, 2012

BlockBase Sew Along...

BlockBase.pngI've been seriously thinking of joining this Block Base sew-along through EQ since I've just purchased the software.     This would be a good way to get the most out of the program I think.  It looks like a very do-able schedule: 1 block every two weeks.   Here is the clarifications on it.    

 Barbara Brackman also uses Block Base for the weekly blocks for Grandmothers Choice.  I'm really enjoying making these blocks even if they have stretched my knowledge a bit.   Ok...the last block stretched me a LOT!  heehee!  This quilt, however has a limited color pallet as I've chosen gold, purple, black, white for my fabric choices since I want it to represent the American movement.

I think for this sew-along I'll be going scrappy.  I have a ginormous pile of Fat Quarters I think needs to be whittled down. 
Yep!  I've thought enough!  I'm in on this one. 
Now to decide on the block size...???
Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Blackwork Basket

Today I put in my last stitch on the last block of the Blackwork Baskets.   I started these around mid January, 2008.  That year I completed several of them and then for some reason I don't remember.... I put them away and didn't get them out again until Bonnie challenged us to take just one hour a day and sit with needle and thread.  That did it for me.  Now let me show you all of the baskets together. 

I've been playing around with EQ and have come up with a couple of colorways that I'm pondering.  The background fabric that I've used for the baskets is a white on cream.  For all these many years I've always thought I'd set the blocks in black.  But while I was playing with the layout it suddenly dawned on me to try the opposite of black.  So I'm thinking creams and off whites might be the way to go. 

What do you think? 
Now you have to pretend the block backgrounds are cream instead of grey.  And I couldn't get them to rotate the way they should be but I think you can get the idea. 

Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Grandmothers Choice

This weeks block is called:   Kansas Sunflower.
Even if you aren't making these blocks I really recommend going to Barbara's blog and read about the history of the Suffragettes.  

This one was hard.
I definitely muddled my way through it.... but it is not my best work at all.  I may try it again now that I've kinda figured out what I was doing.
Or then again.... I may just call it good. 

Those little white star points are small.  Very small.
And once again.... Y seams!!   And throw in a bit of applique' and this block has it all.  

At least now that I have it together I think I can do a Y seam without looking at the directions.
Perhaps!!  ;o) 
One thing I have definitely learned... if there are any more blocks like this I may be looking for a substitute block to make.  hahaha 
Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Monday, September 24, 2012

Design Wall Monday...& One hour of Needle & Thread

I haven't done much work on this 'Walk About The Daisies' this last week so it's still up on my design wall.  All the rows are finished .... they just need to be sewn together.
My wall isn't big enough to hold all of the rows so I have the last three rows just laying on the shelf above my table.
Can you see them hanging down on the right?
 I'll try to get these sewn together this week so I can figure out the borders.  I think I know what I want to do.  Now it's just getting it done.
I have Christmas projects to get started!!  hahaha

I thought I'd show my progress on my Blackwork Basket so far.
This is my last block to embroidery before I can start setting them all into a top.
I didn't put in as many hours with needle and thread this week as I have the last couple of weeks... but it is coming along nicely.

I'll have it finished this week.  I've also played a bit in EQ7 and I'm pretty sure I have settled on the layout and color that I want.  I'll keep pondering for a bit though just to be sure. 

So since it's Monday I'm going to grab my cuppa and head over to link up on Judy's Design Wall.  And while I'm at it I'll link to Bonnie's  One Hour Of Needle & Thread
Let's go see what a few quilters ham been up to.      
Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Redwork Bear

I started out with quite an elaborate plan to border this little Redwork bear.  I went to EQ7 and played until I liked what I had designed .....that was fun.
I then printed the paper-piecing papers and as soon as they started coming out of the printer.... UH OH!!
I quickly realized that didn't look like much fun.   They were very small and looked very tedious to do.
Now don't get me wrong.... I don't mind tedious (sometimes) but for some reason I just couldn't bring myself to spend as much time on this as it would need to have.
So I went the other way.  
Simple!   Fast
  #1 on my 'Christmas Hope' List.  done
9" x 11"
Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Leisurely Turtle Race to Christmas with Squirrels Allowed - ;))

Catchy little title isn't it?
It has now become our 'Official' title for this race to Christmas that we are in.
You see...  Kitty (my left-handed friend) and I are slow when it comes to getting much done (well I admit to being slow....I'm not sure if she does) and as we were email chatting the other day we realized that Christmas was going to be rolling around soon and there we'd be sitting in our quilting studio's wondering why we hadn't started working on our Christmas "stuff" sooner.  
So one thing led to another and ........ well here..... I'll let Kitty tell you how this all came about.   Read this!!

Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Race to Christmas....

TWO little words!!  That's all it took!  
....while I was email chatting with Kitty and both of us moaning about all the stuff we "should" be doing and all the Christmas fabric we have and I haphazerdly threw out two little words. 
         And it's ON!! 

After I had already posted the pics of my Christmas fabrics I remembered I had these panels.  I'm not sure "panels" is the correct name for these pieces of fabric but it works for me.  I also have no idea when I bought them.  I don't think they're too old though.
 The selvage says: Peppermint Cottage by Diane Knott for Clothworks
     So with this red piece I think I'll cut out the individual designs and resew them along with other fabric to make a table topper.  I like to have my toppers be about 40" square to fit my dinning room table.   So this will need a bit of pondering to settle on a design.  

The blue one is Snowfolks' Tea Party - J. Wecker-Frisch Licensed to SSI and it will probably turn out to be several mug rugs.  
The individual designs are already a nice size so I don't think I'll have to work too hard to get them finished. 
I'm thinking the girls in my family might all like one so I'm going to try to make at least 7. 
....Maybe 7
     ..... or maybe not 7... but as many as I can. 

  I definitely  know that I need to make a list of all the things I hope to be able to get done before Christmas.   And I definitely need to keep it handy so I can stay on track.  After all.... I must stay focused!! 

So here is my "Hope" list.  (rightly named because I Hope I can get most of it accomplished)
1.)   Redwork Bear
2.)   red panel table topper 40"
3.)  blue panel mug rugs (hoping to make 7)
4.)  Snuggle quilt pieced with Christmas fabric.  approximately 65" x 75"
5.)  table runner pieced with Christmas fabric   (anywhere from 35" to 50" long)
6.)  Christmas themed applique' items (runner with two placemats)

So that's it for now.  And IF on the very rare, very improbable chance that I would actually get all of this finished I could always add to my list.  hahahahA!!  yeah right!!! 

Oh and just in case some of you out there are just sitting around reading blogs and FB and Pinning and otherwise wasting your life away (like I do every morning) jump in when you want and post your "Hope" list.
And we'll RACE YOU!!
Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

And so it begins.....
Today is Wednesday and today we (Kitty & I) start our engines.

Today is the day we pull our Christmas fabrics.  
I found several Fat Quarters and a pile of fabric yardage. 
 I must admit that I thought I had more than I have.  (See I told you I wouldn't remember).
Last year I worked up three snuggle quilts and used pretty much all of the older Christmas fabrics and then turned right around and ordered these new pieces.  
I also found a cute little Redwork bear that I made a few years ago.   I think this will be my first project.
Hummmm what to do with it.... 

Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Soooo here it is.... the beginning of September.
Are you SURE it's half over already?  Sheesh!!


Ok Truth!  I already knew that because my friend and I had been talking and "should'ing" all over ourselves.
I should do this.  She should do that.
We both should be getting serious about working on some Christmas stuff before it gets to be the week before and we're both frantic.
Well....me frantic anyway.   I don't think she's the frantic type.
    Well she may be....we're so much alike in thought.... but still.... (come to think of it, I don't get to frantic either).

Ok back to the subject.  We both decided that we really should get some of our Christmas fabric pulled out and get to sewing it up.  You know, before it turns so old that it turns into vintage fabric.  I don't need any more of that!!  I have plenty..... OLD fabric that is.... not vintage.

So tomorrow will kick off our Race to Christmas!!  We'll be pulling all our Christmas fabric that's hiding in drawers and bins and showing it off (because we probably can't remember what we have) and then..... 
We'll quickly decide on our first pattern and start wielding our rotary's. 
Did you catch that "quickly" word?  hahaha  Yeah Like that's really going to happen! 
Stay tuned tomorrow to see how we do. 
Oh and by the way.... You want to join us? 
             RACE YOU!!

Photobucket   Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Monday, September 17, 2012

Design Wall Monday....

 My Design Wall is kinda full....(that just shows that I haven't been sewing much this week) .... and I wanted to show the third block in Grandmothers Choice series that I finished yesterday. 
So I decided to pull off one of the rows of Walk About and then I slapped up the three blocks of Grandmothers Choice.

This one is named: Union Square
These are so fun to make.  It takes me longer to choose the fabric than sew the block it seems.   I'm loving these so far.  Here's a link to Barbara's blog telling about the history of the women's fight for the right to vote.  I really don't know which I'm enjoying more.... making the block or reading the history. 

Now I think I'll grab my cuppa and head over to Judy's Design Wall and see what other quilters have been up to.

    Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Slow Stitching Sunday...

Today Kathy is talking about Hoops (Kathy's Quilts: Slow Stitching Sunday) So I figured I would link to her post and show the hoop I use for my embroidery.
I love this hoop!  It's a spring hoop and so easy to move around.  I just grip the two 'handles' and quickly move the solid hoop (on the back) just where I want it.  It's also easy to rotate those handles around to get them out of my threads way.
 When I first started doing much embroidery I used the hoop that tightens with a screw thingy simply because that's all I knew about.  And if that's what grandma used then it was good enough for me.
Well.... not so much!!
I really really disliked having to unscrew that hoop to move it and then trying to decide where to center my fabric to get the most stitching in before I would have to move it again.
And then I found this one!!  I don't know what the name is or where I even bought it.  But I do know that I would never want to be without it.  It's just so easy to adjust the fabric just a little or a whole lot.
So with that I do think I'll spend a bit of my lazy afternoon with my hoop and fabric.
Have a great Sunday.

Just a quick edit.  After posting that I didn't know the name of this hoop I did a google search and found this.  http://www.joann.com/darice-spring-tension-hoop-5/prd12000/   

Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

One more block finished thanks to Bonnie's challenge to sew One hour a day.  I didn't work on it at all this weekend but just last night was able to put in the last few stitches to get this one done.

Here's the next block I'll be working on now.  This is the last block to embroidery and then I can start setting them together.  Now I'm going to have to get serious about the color I will use for the rest of it. 
Of course black would be the most obvious color but a solid is not what I'm after.  I'll be looking for something with a bit of texture and marbling.  Perhaps a lightly patterned gold on black might be pretty. 
But that's what I'm using for my Carol Doak BOM so that idea is out. 
Looks like a shopping trip is in order.  lol 
Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Monday, September 10, 2012

Oops!!  I almost forgot it is Monday and that means I can link to Judy's Design Wall post.   
I've worked a bit on the Walk About blocks and have about half of them sewn into rows.   This is the last picture that I've taken but I do have a couple more rows finished.... just not added to the wall.  This is the final layout I chose.  I'll be adding borders too but I haven't really decided on the final design yet.  I'll wait till I have the top finished and then measure it to be sure how many inches I'll need to work with. 
Come with me and let's go check out the other quilters over at Judy's. 
Thanks for stopping by....Linda
 Last week Bonnie Hunter tossed out a challenge to use just a needle and thread (no machine) and sew for an hour a day.   She thought we could post about where we sew and keep track of our time and show how much we get accomplished each week. 
Well that's exactly what I needed.  So this week I got back to my chair and pulled out my Black-work Baskets. 
I started these baskets way back in 2008 and worked on them off and on for a couple of years.  Then for some reason I just set them aside.  With this challenge I figured these would be a great project to work on. 
 This is my recliner with my snuggle quilt and my favorite little pillow and the floor lamp that I couldn't do without.  I have a large basket that sits on the floor right behind the light and I keep some of my yarns and needles in there.   I sure don't have any shortage of things to keep my hands busy.  I love to crochet' and I've made several scarves and dishclothes.  Nothing fancy by any means.

Here I am all set up to embroidery.  Must have my ice water and Chap Stick! 
And my little mug rug.  I just love that little thing.  I'm thinking I may have to make a few more.  
See that green thing?  This is what it looks like inside.   I really don't like threading the needles one at a time..... so I do several to be ready.  It's just a simple piece of fabric and batting.  The batting grabs the thread and keeps them from unraveling all over the place. 

I know Bonnie and others are using a calendar to keep track of their time ..... but I really don't want to have something that big so I did find this little tablet from one of my favorite quilt shops and decided this would be perfect. 

So this is where I started this week and after 6½ hours this is how far along I got. 

I'm going to try to put in a little more time this week.  I know I can get this block finished and get another one started. 

Now I'm heading over to Bonnie's Quiltville (One Hour of Needle & Thread) to link up.  Grab your cup and follow me.  Let's go see what others have done this week. 
 Have a great week and.....
Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Well it's Saturday so that means that the next block in Grandmother's Choice has been posted. 

 Here's #2 with my fabric choices.  The block is called Amethyst.   EQ7 has it listed as Priscilla so I printed the templates from there.
And it has the dreaded Y-seams.  I've sewn them before but I kinda forgot how for sure.  But I didn't want to come all the way back out here to get on the computer to find out how to do them right so I just muddled around and finally got the block all together. Believe it or not .... it doesn't look too bad.  lol
But I do think I'll study up on them a bit the next time just to make it easier on myself.  ;o) 

There's a Flicker Group set up for everyone to post their pictures of their blocks each week if you'd like to take a look.  Quite a selection of fabric choices.
Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I'm making my first mug rug.  Can you believe it?  My first!  I know, I know.... but I usually don't do little things.
Table toppers or place-mats have been the smallest things I've made.
But when Carol Doak gave us a bonus project to paper-piece I decided it would be perfect for Oct and my coffee.  The center is only a 3" x 3".  By adding the border I now have the perfect size for my coffee mug.
Isn't this cat in a pumpkin just the cutest thing?    

Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Monday, September 3, 2012

  Grandmother's Choice Block of the Week
This first block is called Grandmother's Choice and the following is quoted from Barbara's blog.  
"The quilt pattern in the logo design was given the name Grandmother's Choice by the Ladies' Art Company about 1890". 
# 1.... finished.
There will be 49 total blocks measuring 8" finished with 2" sashing and cornerstones.
She also shows a 6" border so I'll wait until I have most of the blocks finished before I decide on the fabric for that.
I'm linking my block to the Grandmother's Choice Flicker Group if you'd like to check out the great blocks already being posted .

And then you can head on over to Judy's Design Wall Monday post to see what other quilters have been up too. 
Thanks for stopping by....Linda

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sometimes something comes along that just nags at me until I give in.  When I first read about this project I was definitely tempted....but quickly talked myself out of it and moved along.

And then I read Denise's blog and Cathy's blog.  And between the two of them I just had to go back and check out the details.
Sooooo I've pulled my fabrics.  I really like the looks of the Purple/Green/White.   But then I thought about how each country has it's own colors and I decided to use the colors that represents the United States.  This is what Barbara has on her sidebar.

Symbolic Colors: <br>Gold   America's primary suffrage color was gold, often contrasted with black or dark violet. The shade is close to the yellow-orange we see in 19th-century quilts, the color the dyers called chrome orange and we call cheddar.


These are the fabrics I've chosen so far.   I'll throw in some black occasionally if I need to and when I have more time I'll rummage through my scraps to pull more golds.  

Happy Labor Day weekend.  Hope you're having fun and staying safe and happy.  
I'm going to go sew   
Thanks for stopping by....Linda