Well .... I used to know how to knit (not very well I might add) and I'm toying with the idea of getting back into it so I can try to make socks like I see so many gals doing these days. So who am I kidding???

A few simple stitches! So how hard could it be to whip up a simple scarf huh?
Well let me tell you about that roll of yarn over there. It's kinda pretty pinks....soft....bumpy....should make a nice scarf. I thought!
So I started casting on the other day and worked up about 10 inches in a double crochet'.
It just didn't look right.
It was too bulky so I ripped it back and started over using a triple crochet'.
This time I had about 12" finished and I just didn't like the feel (still too thick & bulky) soooo I ripped it back out and rolled it up in this ball, set it aside and decided that yarn just won't work for me.
I went to my very meager small stash of yarns and pulled these two out and started casting on (again using the triple crochet' stitch) and this is much better.

I'm happy with the way this is turning out and I have another colorway I want to do next.

Here's another scarf I've made this month.
Thanks for stopping by....