Ponder this.....

Today's Quote
The best way to keep your friends is not to give them away.
Wilson Mizner
more Quotes

Monday, January 31, 2011

So Ok I don't knit.  I crochet'.
  Well .... I used to know how to knit (not very well I might add) and I'm toying with the idea of getting back into it so I can try to make socks like I see so many gals doing these days.   So who am I kidding???
 I won't make socks....but I can make scarves.  All I need is one hook and a roll of yarn!  
A few simple stitches!    So how hard could it be to whip up a simple scarf huh?
     Well let me tell you about that roll of yarn over there.  It's kinda pretty pinks....soft....bumpy....should make a nice scarf.   I thought!
So I started casting on the other day and worked up about 10 inches in a double crochet'.  
It just didn't look right.
It was too bulky so I ripped it back and started over using a triple crochet'.
This time I had about 12" finished and I just didn't like the feel (still too thick & bulky) soooo I ripped it back out and rolled it up in this ball, set it aside and decided that yarn just won't work for me.

I went to my very meager small stash of yarns and pulled these two out and started casting on (again using the triple crochet' stitch) and this is much better.
I have no idea what yarn these are because I've long ago misplaced the wrapper.  I know the dark green is called an eyelash yarn and the variegated is a soft baby yarn.
I'm happy with the way this is turning out and I have another colorway I want to do next.

Here's another scarf I've made this month.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Foto's.....

My daughter told me I need to post more often.  And I agree it gets a bit boring in here at times.

Sooooooo I'm going to share a few pictures of my life outside of quilting.

Hope you enjoy.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

I found a new toy yesterday and just had to try it out.    Now you can see just how strong he is.  And he was very serious too!    Lol

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The borders are all on my Christmas quilt.  Now to just get it quilted and bound.  This is where I usually stop.  For some reason this is my least favorite part of making a quilt.  I don't mind the quilting and I do enjoy hand sewing the binding.
But dang!!  That prepping the quilt is just NOT fun!  And it doesn't matter if I pin baste or load on the frame.
I don't like this step!!!
(I'd capitalize that last sentence but yelling is rude)  :o)

Here's a little info on this pattern if you're interested.  It's from Hoffman Fabrics...their free pattern section and it's called Merry & Bright.  (Scroll down the list about half way)

Mine looks absolutely nothing like theirs!!  That's what's so cool about quilts.  100 quilters could make the same pattern and no two would be alike.

Sooooo now what should I make????  Hummmmm!!  
Maybe I should finish something.......Photobucket
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Monday, January 24, 2011

The final borders are on (nothing fancy) and it's all pinned and ready to be quilted.
I'm thinking I may name it my Yellow Flying Geese. hahaha (that yellow submarine song will be singing in my head all day).
I've decided to use my Janome to quilt this one since it's fairly small (around 40" square) and because I want to use a walking foot I think.
And then again....I may change my mind about the walking foot.
I've been known to do that a LOT!!  Especially with this quilt!!    ;o)

Don'cha love Monday's?  Scoot on over to Judy's Design Wall and check out what some of the other quilters have been up to.
Thanks for stopping by....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The last couple of days have been rather lost for me.  My allergies had finally worn me down to the point where I needed to catch up on my sleep.  So that's pretty much what I did for the last 48 hours.  Sleep all night...veg out on this black hole called a computer...take a long nap...and sleep all night.
I did manage to get in a few hours of piecing on my Christmas quilt.  (I really should give it a name...but that's the hardest thing for me).  
The borders are made and two sides are sewn on.  The other two are ready to be attached.   I really like the fabrics in this line...'Wrap It Up' from Connecting Threads.  It isn't the traditional all red/green and really lends itself to the scrappy.   Yep!  This one will look good thrown over my blue sofa next Christmas.
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Monday, January 17, 2011

Since it's Design Wall Monday this is what's on my wall(doors) this week.  That's my "Yellow" quilt for January's Monochromatic Challenge.  I still need to sew the rows together and add border(s).
Remember when I showed the one large & two yellow & two dark squares?   Well... I cut  those squares to make the 'No Waste Flying Geese'.
It didn't take me long to realize I couldn't make the 'geese' with this method and have the darks fall the way I had planned in EQ.  So I discarded that design and went with only shades of yellow.  I'm glad I did.  I like this better anyway.  In fact...I think my new favorite color is Yellow!  It will certainly add a pleasant touch of sunshine in my dinning room.

The scrappy squares on the left will be the border for my Christmas quilt.  I've been using them as leader/enders while I was sewing the geese but now I can get serious about sewing them together.
So I think that's where I'm going now.... Have a good day and stop over to Judy L's Patchwork Times to check out what others have on their wall today.
  Thanks for stopping by....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Brrrrrrr  woke up this morning and my weather gadget told me it was -4 degrees out there!  But not to worry or fret....we're warming up!
The sun is shining now and the temp has gotten all the way up to a whoppin 3degrees.

The snow ended yesterday so hubby could get his toy out to play.  He so seldom gets to really enjoy using it.

Owww my poor bones hate cold weather!

Guess I'm going to spend today at my sewing machine.  At least there I'm out of the draft of the opening & closing doors and I always have the iron turned on and sitting right beside me and that helps keep me warmer.

Oh BTW....the dark fabric I showed yesterday.... Not using it!  Didn't work.
I'll show the blocks when I get a few more made today.
And.... since my other idea didn't work the way I wanted it .....yeah I think I'll use the stripe as the binding.  LOL
Stay tuned.  Because there is nothing set in stone about this quilt.
Thanks for stopping by....

Monday, January 10, 2011

Since I want to at least give a good try to make some of Judy L's Monochromatic quilts and since January's color is yellow .... and since I had very little yellow in my stash I had to order some.
The order came Friday and they are sooooo pretty and bright.
Don't you think so?
I'm not going to use the stripe in this quilt but I just couldn't pass up the chance to add it to the order.

These are the fabrics I've chosen to use.
And since this is also Monday I decided to slap some of the cut squares up on my wall so I can post it to Design Wall Monday over at Patchwork Times.

 I'll keep you guessing what block design I'm going to use.
Thanks for stopping by....

Friday, January 7, 2011

Today I worked on Kianna's requests.    5 more blankets for her dolls.  But more importantly....there are three (3) baby boy blankets.   And now she also wants 3 baby boy dolls....because she doesn't have any and she needs them!  LOL

So I've ordered the boy doll she picked out from Toys R Us and as soon as it comes I'll pack that boy doll and all these blankets  and send them to her for her birthday at the end of the month.  I can't wait to hear what she says.  She tickles me so.

Here's a collage of all the blankets I've made her today.  

Thanks for stopping by....

Monday, January 3, 2011

Good morning!  It looks like it's Monday and that means it's Design Wall Monday over at Judy's blog.
I actually have something on my wall to show for the first time in a long time.
I told you about the Christmas throw I was making.
I did manage to get all the blocks finished and three rows set together.  Then I got a bit sidetracked with Rose Parade watching (can't miss it) and list making (using Cozi) and FarmVille farming (almost finished) and just plain diddling away my time.

I did get my frig shelves changed yesterday and I think I'll like the new arrangement better.  At least I hope I will.  Probably won't be able to find a thing.  LOL  

 If you want to see what others are quilting .... grab a cup and pop on over to Patchwork Times
Thanks for stopping by....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Here I go.....the start of a new day...
    a new week
         and a new Year!
I have made a list!
       Well actually I have several lists.
That's what I do best.
        Make lists.
              No resolutions.  Just lists.

  • A Cleaning list'... (I need to get back to Fly Lady's program.  I need to de-clutter big time again and get back to a regular routine) 
  • Then there's a To-Do list .... (for the big & little projects around the house that I need want to have done-- porch & drive repaired etc.)
  • I have a 'Stocking the Freezer' cooking list.... I like to spend a day or two making several different dishes that I can divide and stick in the freezer for those days that I just don't want to cook.  I think I better double those recipes since those "don't want to cook" days happen way more often it seems.  
  • a Grocery list... no explanation needed if I really cook everything on that freezer list.  
And NOW....the best lists of all.  My quilting lists.

  • Tops completed but still needing quilting to finish.  Goodness I have a lot of these!
  • Projects In-Progress needing finished (blocks are made or being made just haven't set them all together yet.
  • Want-To-Make projects in tubs waiting.  (Pattern and fabric together) 
  • And of course my 'Wish' list.... the longest list of all is the quilts that I want to make, have seen and saved the pattern to my computer file, haven't set aside the fabric yet, and probably will never live long enough to even make a dent in that list.  It's huge!!!  
So all of this list making has to be leading somewhere right?
Well it's all Judy's fault!  She's thrown out a few challenges and I've been thinking about them and finally decided to join the multitudes.
Last year I tried to bust some of my UFO's and didn't do a very good job.  Maybe I finished two at the most.  But .... last year wasn't the best of years around here BUT I'm not going to let it dissuade me from trying again this year.
Soooo I'll be listing 12 of my unfinished projects later and posting my link over on Patchwork Times.

And I want to join her Monochromatic Challenge.  This one really sounds like fun.
 The first color for Jan is YELLOW!
And of course that is NOT a color I have lots of.
Soooo an order has been placed and I've played in EQ7 so I have a plan and I'm anxious to get it started.  Once the fabric comes I'll show you the pattern.

So now this brings me to today.
My list says I want to rearrange the shelves in my frig.
So I'm off....BYE!!
Thanks for stopping by....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

I hope you have a wonderful, exciting and fulfilling 2011
Thanks for stopping by....