I really should have posted this before Christmas (I had good intentions) but I just ran out of time. And partly because I forgot to write up the post.
So ...... here it is. Better late than never.
Chocolate Peanut Clusters:
- 1 - 24 oz pkg Chocolate Bark
- ½ pkg (12 oz) White Almond Bark
- 12oz. to 16oz. Real Chocolate Chips (NOT semi-sweet) I use Nestle milk chocolate
- 2 jars of Planters Dry Roasted salted peanuts
EDIT: I see that Diana is asking about the chocolate and white bark. I do prefer Nestle choc chips but I really don't have a preference of brands when I buy the bark. I just buy a package of each wherever I can find it. I've purchased from our local grocery store or from Walmart or any place that sells it. Here is a picture of what is left of the white bark..... The chocolate bark package is shaped the same. They both have 12 scored pieces so they can be broken apart easier.
I use a 4-qt glass bowl and melt the chocolates in the microwave. (you can use a double boiler if you want but I just don't have the patience for that) ;o)
First: Break the White bark into squares. Add to bowl.
next: Break the Chocolate bark and add to bowl.
then: Add the Real chocolate chips on top.
Over the years I've found this layering will melt the fastest without any scorching. The white bark seems to take the longest to melt so by layering it on the bottom then the other chocolates help melt it faster.
Stick the bowl in the microwave to start the melting process. Depending on the wattage of your microwave.... your time will vary.
(I have a hot & fast microwave)
I start with 1 minute... check it! Reset time in 30 sec increments...stirring as the choc starts to melt. Watch it closely towards the end or it will scorch. Been there....done that! Once most of it has melted I take it out of the microwave and stir well to finish melting any last little chunks.
Sorry I didn't think to get pictures at the beginning of this process.
If you look close you can see a small chunk of bark (top center) that hasn't melted all the way. So I just keep stirring until it has.

Add the peanuts and stir.
Keep mixing until all peanuts are coated.
Drop by spoonfuls onto waxed paper. I use a teaspoon. We don't like them any bigger because with this size we can just pop one in our mouth as we pass by. lol
Let cool until hardened. As you can see this recipe makes a gazillion at least.
I've already put one whole sheet in a container to make room for these.
This tin was full to heaping and as you can see the family did their best to whittle it down quite a bit.
After a couple more days I'll bag what is left and stick them in the freezer to be enjoyed through the year when we I have a chocolate craving.
I hope you enjoy them.
Glad you stopped by.....Linda