The blocks and sashings are all together now. They should have been done yesterday but I had a min-migrain hit so I didn't do much sewing.
I am tickled that it has turned out so nice. I really do like it and I thought this would now be ready for the borders.
However..... I have changed my mind after looking at it laying here on my floor.
It's not big enough!!!
I have to make 4 more blocks.
This top is just too square and I really don't like square quilts.
(unless they hang on a wall)See.......

Four more blocks would make it fit a bed much nicer don't you think?
Back to EQ to pick out more patterns.
And a lot more needle-turn applique' coming up in my future.
Today I think I'll go ahead and cut the additional sashings and get them sewn together so I won't forget what I've learned about them.
Like how many it takes!! heehee
And this will give me plenty of time to think about the borders too.
Any suggestions???