That squirrel was getting just toooooo close for comfort and the little wren was hopping up and down and on the fence and off to the rose fence and back to the fence and down farther and back and forth.
All the while that tail was flipping up and down and her wings were fluttering and even tho I couldn't hear her I was pretty sure she was scolding like crazy.
Squirrel just sat there on the fence ignoring the little thing .... then down the tree and away he went as if nothing had happened. Whew!!
Well....that gave me the chance to take my camera outside and see what I could capture in the lens. I succeeded showing at least two babies inside. One on the right and one on the left.

(click for enlarging)
While I was outside I decided to get a couple of closeups of some of the early blooms now. (1)Creeping Phlox....(2) Pink Hyacinth...(3) ?? Can't remember the name