Brrrrr. Ok so it's not snowing! And I know it's not winter yet.
But still! It feels like it and I'm cold!!
It's that time of year when it's too cold to not have the furnace running and yet too warm to have the furnace running.
So here I sit in my sweats and long sleeve shirt.
And I think I should go put on some socks.
It's going to be a looooonnnggg winter!!!

I received my order of thread today.
Oh how pretty. I ordered two sets (Ricky Tims Flower Garden & High Dessert). The other day I was putting together a machine applique' called
Southern Gentleman and decided I just
needed some shiny pretty threads to do some machine applique'.
Sew Thankful had these sets on sale so I just couldn't pass them up. You know....more is better and all that. heehee As if I didn't have enough thread already. But you know.... it's a quilting thing!!

Here's a sneak peak at the first block (before dressing it up).
I bought this copper fabric one day when I was at the LQS just because. I had no idea what I would use it for.... but I loved it .....soooooo.
And then along came this BOM and Ta-Da......perfect!!
Today I start cutting the fabric for Don's quilt. I'm going to be making the Disappearing 9-patch and the fabrics will be black & white prints with a blue for the center square.
This will be a bit tricky since I'm going to try to make it without him knowing. Even though he knows he'll be getting a quilt someday .... I hope I can keep it hidden so he'll be surprised.
I'm going to go get socks......Have a great day ..... and stay warm.