Just in case you were wondering....I'm still here.
I know I've said it before and I'll say it again..... I really can't believe that so much time has slipped away while I was doing a little sewing....
& .....a little playing in EQ trying to figure how I want to set the Red blocks together....
& .....a lot of computer time absorbing as much information about the Joplin tornado as I could find....
& .....a few naps here and there....
& .....and all in all just a whole lot of wasting time.
But since I've done this song and dance before I'm not even going to pretend that I will not take so long between posts again. hahaha
(You were right for sure Crispy) LOL

I did get my ironing board recovered the other day. Oh Gosh...it was in
terrible shape and I just kept putting it off until it had finally gotten so hard and brittle that it actually ripped in a couple of places and I couldn't stand it any more.
I certainly think it was time don't you?
Don helped me flip the board and he did the stapling while I pulled the nice pretty blue fabric tight.
Much much nicer now!
I've been slowly working on the setting triangles for the Red quilt and tomorrow I'll post a pic of the top that I have sewn together so far.
Have a great Sunday...Thanks for stopping by....