Showing posts with label Soupcon QAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soupcon QAL. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Today's Quote of the Day...

 Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

It's been so long since I've posted and when I opened my blog this morning this quote was here.  
Wow!  Fitting huh?  
I've been passing time lately by spending it doing bits and pieces of many different projects.  Still sewing blocks together on A & B's Wedding quilt.  I do have some of the rows sewn together and if I'd just get back there and stick with it I'd have this top ready to add the borders.  Instead I've been pretty flighty.  Not able to concentrate on one thing for too long. 
I did make another Soupcon hexie flower.  But now the projects have gotten a bit more intricate and I'm afraid I'm not going to have the time right now to devote the time it will take to continue this project.  I am going to continue following her blog because I am learning so much and when I get these two wedding quilts finished then I can focus on trying these new hexie techniques. 
Sorry the lighting is so horrible.   This was fun to make. 
I am going to continue with the Hexie BOM and this months pattern is a heart.  Of course! 
I'm working on basting now.   And when the Olympics start I will definitely be glued to my TV.  I love the Olympics.  Summer & Winter. 
I hope you're having a great day. Glad you stopped by.....Linda

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Trying something new......

Several days ago I ran across a new (to me) blog called Faeries and Fibers.   She has opened a Soupcon FLICKR Group
I was intrigued.  Since I'm fairly new to the wonderful world of Hexies I decided it was time to spread my wings and try out a few more shapes.  AND it was time for one or two more projects. 
So I jumped right in and printed off a sheet of 1" hexies and added a few lines here and there and took away a few other lines until I came up with a 'Jewel' or a modified hexie (as Karen calls them). 
Here's a link to one of her posts that explains how she does it.  So much simpler than I did.  Wish I would have read more of her blog before jumping in feet first.  lol 

This is a scrap of black/white fabric I used to fussy cut the six jewels. 

Now.... let me just say that since I didn't really know what I was doing this first little star was a real stumbling mess.  Thankfully I have a wonderful iron that pressed it into submission.  lol
After this one I think I will be able to do a better job on the next one. 

I hope you're having a great day. Glad you stopped by.....Linda