((That is when we're not driving out of town to our doctors appointment. I'm getting really tired of seeing the inside of my car!!))
But my hexies!!! I really do love working with them. Yesterday I finished sewing all the white paths around so today I can add some more of the 'blocks' I have made.
As I'm so prone to do I was merrily sewing along adding border hexies and filling in with the white ones.
Until I got to the rust colored triangle. .... Ooops!! something didn't look right. Sorry I didn't get a picture to compare the goof. But to make this long story short(er) I hadn't paid attention to the line of my border and I sewed the hexies up one and continued the rest of the row.
Sooooo every other set of hexies I had to unstitch and resew the correct way. Major "headslap"!
Oh well..... It only took a few hours correcting them and now I'm ready to move on.
AND.... Packers at 3:00pm and Chiefs at 7:00pm and Thanksgiving leftovers to finish up. Oh Happy Day!!
Come on and join us.
I hope you're having a great day. Glad you stopped by.....Linda