Thank goodness there is always tomorrow. :)
I did get the first one turned in. The hospital nursery will be well stocked now for awhile. We'll do another round of donations mid-year.

It's a really cool pattern. I did add one more round than the pattern calls for because I think originally it's just a bit too small to really wrap a baby up good and comfy. This one finished to about 39" X 43". Just right!

Truth was....I only had one yard of each flannel pattern and I didn't want to run out.
The pattern calls for 5" strips cut wof. I cut 4 strips out of each of the three different flannels that I used for each side. I still have to get the binding cut. I'm going to be doing it scrappy and using all the leftover pieces from the quilt.
Yep.... tomorrow I'll be doing the binding. Then it gets to go on my finished list. WooHoo!
WHat a wonderful thing for your guild to do. I don't think any hospital in our area does this. I love your donations!